Recognition of AME certificate from UK

Find guidance material on how to apply for a change of competent authority in relation to Brexit.

Application for a change of competent authority before 1 January 2021

Find information on how to apply for a change of competent authority in relation to the transition period of Brexit. The transition period ends on 31 December 2020.

In this section you can find information on how to apply for a change of competent authority if you have a UK CAA AME certificate and wish to maintain your privileges to issue medical certificates in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 for Aircrew and/or Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 for ATCO after the transitional period (Brexit) expires on 31 December 2020. 

If you apply to one of the 27 EU Member States competent authorities before 1 January 2021, your application will be treated as if you are applying from another EU-member state. This means that certificates issued by a competent authority of an EU Member State are valid and recognized in the EU in accordance with Article 67 of the Basic Regulation (2018/1139).

If you are in possession of a valid EASA-AME-certification (e.g. UK CAA AME certification), the Danish authorities will recognize your certificate as long as you are fully qualified and licensed for the practice of medicine in accordance with MED.D.010 in Part-MED to the Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 and/or ATCO.MED.C.010 in Part ATCO.MED to Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340. The following applies:

  1. Applicants for an AME certificate regarding Class 1, Class 2, LAPL and Cabin Crew (CC) shall be issued an AME certificate, where they are fully qualified and licenced for the practice of medicine and have evidence of completion of specialist medical training.
  2. Applicants for an AME certificate regarding Class 3 shall be issued an AME certificate, where they are fully qualified and licensed for the practice of medicine and hold a Certificate of Completion, or have evidence of, specialist medical training.

The process of becoming a Danish certified AME

In order for you to comply with the qualification requirements in MED.D.010, a) and/or ATCO.MED.C.010, a) you must contact the Danish Patient Safety Authority in order for them to assess whether your authorization as a doctor and specialist medical training can be recognized in Denmark. 

Once the Danish Patient Safety Authority has recognized your education you can send your full AME application to The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority (hereafter Danish CAA) along with the following documentation:

  • The letter of recognition from the Danish Patient Safety Authority.
  • A letter from the UK CAA confirming that you are in possession of a valid UK CAA AME certificate that is not revoked or suspended.
  • A copy of your valid UK CAA AME certificate.

The application containing the full documentation must be received by the Danish CAA by 31 December 2020 at the latest. 

The Danish CAA has been informed that the processing time at the Danish Patient Safety Authority (DPSA) is up to three months, which makes it difficult to fulfill the requirements for application of recognition of your UK CAA AME certification by 31 December 2020 at the latest.

Accordingly, the Danish CAA can accept an initializing of the application process by applying both to the Danish CAA and to DPSA at the same time. However, it would be a requirement that you send us a copy of the confirmation you receive from DPSA when applying as verification.

This means that when applying for recognition of your UK CAA AME certification you need to send the following to the Danish CAA by 31 December 2020 at the latest in order to initialize the process:

  1. Letter of confirmation from DPSA verifying that you have applied for recognition of your qualifications as a doctor and specialist medical training (e.g. a copy of the application you sent to DPSA and their automatically generated confirmation that they have received your e-mail). 
  2. A letter from the UK CAA confirming that you are in possession of a valid UK CAA AME certificate that is not revoked or suspended.
  3. A copy of your valid UK CAA AME certificate.

The Danish CAA will then process your application as soon as we receive the letter of recognition from the DPSA from you. This means that you are not certified as a DK CAA AME before this time, hence you cannot perform medical examinations as such until your new AME certification has been issued.
Please note that it is a prerequisite that the DPSA can recognize your qualifications in order for the Danish CAA to recognize your UK CAA AME certification. 

The Danish CAA will then issue a DK CAA AME certification with the same privileges and validity as the former UK CAA AME certificate. Any application received after the 31 December 2020 will be treated as if the application came from a third country. In the section below, you can find information on how to be certified as a Danish AME if you are an applicant from a third country.   

Later on, when applying for a revalidation or renewal of the DK CAA AME certification the Danish CAA needs to conduct an inspection (accession control) of your AME practice in order to verify compliance with Commission Regulation, ARA.MED.200(a), cf. AMC1 ARA.MED.200 “Procedure for the issue, revalidation, renewal or change of an AME certificate”. 

Learn more on how to apply for recognition of authorization as medical specialist here (new window)


Please be advised, that you will be billed according to executive order no. 2257 of 29 December 2020 on fees and charges. You can find the executive order on this page. However, the executive order is only available in Danish.

Note especially § 8, where it is stated, that besides payment for the performance of tasks, including supervisory tasks and accession control, outside Danish territory, travel and subsistence expenses, including travel time expenses will be charged. The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority may charge certain amounts in advance. At this point in time the fee rate is 780 Danish Krones (dkk) pr. hour. 

Note also in relation to the fee charged when recognizing an AME certificate § 1, point 2), where it is stated that the companies, organizations and persons etc. in whose interest the tasks are performed in the aviation area or registrations are made in the Register of Rights to Aircraft, shall pay fees to the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority in accordance with §§ 3-6 and § 8. 

In § 3, point 1) and 2) it is stated that the issuance fees appear in Appendix 1 and are payable either as a fixed fee or as a fee as per account rendered based on the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority's time consumption, cf. however § 8. Where the fee is a fixed as per account rendered, the price per hour appears from Appendix 1, chapter 1, Table 1A. At this point in time the fee rate is 845 Danish Krones (dkk) pr. hour.

Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 København V
Phone Number +45 72218800 

Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed
The Danish Patient Safety Authority
Islands Brygge 67
2300 København S
Phone Number +45 72286600



Basic Regulation


Common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency


Regulation No. 2257 of 29 December 2020

Regulation on the Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority's fees and charges in the field of aviation


Application for a change of competent authority from 1 January 2021

From 1 January 2021 UK is considered a third country. Find information on how to apply for a change of competent authority after the end of the transition period of Brexit.

If you are an aeromedical examiner (AME) from a third country and want to become a Danish certified AME there are certain requirements you must fulfill. 

The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority is subject to the Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 regarding certification of AME's. 

In that context the Danish Authorities have recently received an information letter from EASA regarding Aeromedical Examiners (AME) certification and oversight in third countries. The letter emphasizes that if the principal place of practice of an AME is located in a third country, the competent authority is the authority designated by the Member State to which the AME applied for the issue of the AME certificate. 

Accordingly, if the applicant meets all of the conditions, as described in Regulation 1178/2011, MED.D.010 and/or Regulation 2015/340, ATCO.MED.C.010, the competent authority shall issue an AME certificate with the privileges applied for.

This means that in order for you to become a Danish certified AME, you must follow the requirements in the above mentioned regulations. 

The process of becoming a Danish certified AME

In order for you to comply with the qualification requirements in MED.D.010, a) and ATCO.MED.C.010, a) you must contact the Danish Patient Safety Authority  in order for them to assess whether your authorization as a doctor and specialist medical training can be recognized in Denmark. 

In order for the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority to assess if you comply with the training course requirements referred to in MED.D.010, b) and if relevant in ATCO.MED .C.010, b), you must send your diploma on basic - and if relevant - advanced training course in aviation medicine, to the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority for verification.

Once the Danish Patient Safety Authority has recognized your education you can send your AME-application “Ansøgning om Aeromedical-examiner Certificate” to The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority along with the letter of recognition from the Danish Patient Safety Authority and your diplomas on basic and - if relevant – advanced training course in aviation medicine.

The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority will then assess your application. If you meet the requirements for certification, the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority will then, before issuing an AME-certification, need to conduct an inspection (accession control) of your AME practice.

You should be aware that an AME will initially be certified as Class 2-AME and will hereafter be able to apply for an extension of privileges from Class 2 to Class 1 in accordance with the Commission Regulation 1178/2011, MED.D.015.

Learn more on how to apply for recognition of authorization as medical specialist here (new window)


Please be advised, that you will be billed according to executive order no 2257 of 29 December 2020 on fees and charges. You can find the executive order on this page. However, the executive order is only available in Danish.

Note especially § 8, where it is stated, that besides payment for the performance of tasks, including supervisory tasks and accession control, outside Danish territory, travel and subsistence expenses, including travel time expenses will be charged. The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority may charge certain amounts in advance. At this point in time the fee rate is 845 Danish Krones (dkk) pr. hour.

Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577 København V
Phone Number +45 72218800 

Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed
The Danish Patient Safety Authority
Islands Brygge 67
2300 København S
Phone Number +45 72286600


Regulation No. 2257 of 29 December 2020

Regulation on the Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority's fees and charges in the field of aviation


Senest opdateret 16-11-2023