Transfer of licence and medical certificate

Find guidance material on transfer of licence and medical certificate regarding Brexit.

Information on longer processing time

The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority is at the moment receiving a lot of applications for transfer of FCL-licenses and medical certificates, which supposedly is due to Brexit.

Unfortunately, this causes a longer processing time for transfer applications in general. It is expected that transfer applications will be processed within 4 months from the time of the application. However, the processing time can be longer. 

The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority is processing the applications as quickly as possible and in the order in which they are received. 

Deadlines regarding Brexit

From 1 January 2021 UK is considered a third country. This means that an application for transfer of a UK FCL-certificate and a UK Medical Certificate received after 31 December 2020 will be treated as an application from a third country. 

Acceptance of pilot certificates and medical certificates from a third country follow the requirements in the commissions delegated regulation (EU) 2020/723 of 4 March 2020 laying down detailed rules with regard to the acceptance of third-country certification of pilots and amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.

For EASA-certificate holders who already have a medical certificate issued by an UK AME, the medical certificate remains valid until its expiration date. The same applies to initial medical certificates.


Please be advised that you will be billed according to executive order no. 2257 of 29 December 2020 on fees and charges. However, the executive order is only available in Danish.

In cases regarding transfer of medical certificates, an issuance fee will be charged. The issuance fee is due for payment by the time the transfer process is completed. At this point in time the fee rate is 400,00 Danish Krones (dkk), cf. § 1, point 1 and 2, and § 3, point 1 and 3, cf. appendix 1, table 4M, M1.  

Furthermore, a fee will be charged for the transfer of the license. This fee is payable as a fee as per account rendered based on the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority's time consumption, cf. § 3 point 1, cf. appendix 1, table 1A, A1.


Application to change the competent authority to Denmark

To be used for transfer of licences between authorities.



Application for the transfer of medical records


Senest opdateret 16-11-2023